Their graveside was more beautiful than I remember, lush with trees, flowing streams and a blooming rose garden too. I was happy for that. It is so amazing to me that this was reality as I stared at a plaque that now represented my beloved parents. There is something to be said for being gone in another state and not fully understanding the scope of things until you go "home" and realize there is no one there to greet you with those loving open arms as a parent would. Reality struck when in WA that is for sure. My parents are gone in body but definitely not in spirit (thankfully!!).
On top of that reality was the reality that Chris's mother has been diagnosed with breast cancer. All signs are pointing to good places at the moment and she is doing everything she can to get her body into fighting mode. I am proud of her for everything she is doing right now to combat this and will continue to sending healing vibes her way as she undergoes treatment for the next 5 years.
I did get some riding in too while I was there. Seattle is so lush green!!!

But there is a reason for that too. I think I missed 2 huge storms by about a minute. I was one lucky ducky.
Speaking of rain....holy cow when we got home there was nothing but storms galore!! Yikes!
The calm before the storm from our deck.
Not too long afterwards the storm was here
Another shot of lightening
The bad part of the storm clears out leaving just massive rainfall.'s June alright. Hmmm????
As for the race in Logan. It was a beautiful day!!! Probably one of the hotter days that we have raced this season. It was also pretty much the first weekend that it was beautiful out. The drive up to Logan was awesome just seeing ALL the outdoorsy people doing their thing or getting ready to do their thing from camping, motoing, kiteboarding, hot air ballooning, road biking, para gliding and....oh ya...mtbing!!!
Oh also forgot to mention that I woke up early this AM and saw a BOBCAT at our next door neighbors house!!!! Here kitty kitty kitty. I have never seen one of those in the wild let alone 50 feet away from my house!!! Anyway, that was pretty cool although it was only cool because I had a house protecting me. : )
The drive up to Logan.

I hadn't pre-ridden the course yet so when I got there I got on it to see what I was up against. That is a total first for me to do that the day of the race. It was a good choice though as I needed to know the course because the last time I raced there was in 2004. It luckily made for an excellent warm up too. 10 years into this sport and still having "firsts".....always learning or trying out new stuff I tell you!
The course was the same for the most part which was a good thing because its still fun with windy tight singletrack through dense trees that eventually spit you out into open fields making you fen for yourself as you gage your pace. Short laps too which I like. A hot 1 hour and 45 minutes later I came across the line in first!
Next up is the Pro XCT in WI this weekend!!
1 comment:
I just found your blog!!! I love it, I have really enjoyed going back and reading all your post.
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