Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Slap on the Hand

That is what I got today by my Physical Therapist. When I went in today for my treatment I expressed my concerns about STILL having problems and pain with my rib cage. I told him that I don't feel like I am even halfway healed at times and it seems like its so dang slow to heal so far. This is about the time my PT reminded me that the 12 weeks of recovery that he told me it would take was WITHOUT racing in 2 World Cups, 7 National races, 1 regional race and training every day on top of that.

OH. Oops. Ok. I get it now.

In addition he told me that I have a very severe injury that is hard to take serious because you cannot cast it. He claims its the worst and most deceptive kind which I can relate to all too well.....you don't LOOK like there is anything wrong but your body (my core) is a coiled up mess that is trying to heal. He told me that he now knows that I am the type that just flat out needs a cast in order to STOP. He's right but I am going to be smart about this one, starting right now.

I left like a dog with its tail between its legs after being told to STOP riding if I could. Well I can and I will even though I really really really want to race this weekend in the Heber Cyclocross race.........see? That is wicked nature of this -I am not burned out, I love racing, I love riding and I look like I am in one piece.......but I am not in one piece dang it. So I better not race and I won't race because I need to look at the big picture. Sometimes you have to do that I guess especially since I am contracted to race Cyclocross full-time this Fall/Winter. Need to heal up while I am allowed to here in the off season.

I will just go to the race on Saturday and watch everyone else race which will be cool. It will be good to see everyone again!

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