Monday, March 31, 2008

Palm Desert

View from my Aunt and Uncles patio

After our big day on Sunday I dropped Chris off at the airport (sad!) and I headed down to Palm Desert where my Aunt and Uncle have a house. I can't tell you how lucky I feel that my job takes me so close to family that I may not otherwise see during the year! They have a wonderful home right on the golf course (of course!) and it has been "nap city" for me. Tired tired tired. But every time I hear someone whack the golf ball I cringe hoping its headed in the direction they want and not my face!

I did get out for some road riding. Got to love it. Is this what they call "Share the Road?"

Tearing up the bike path. Oh I mean tearing up my knobby tires....

Cute little old people on bikes with an engine:

I really do like this climate. 30 degree high in Heber today. Seriously??? That can't be right.

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