Sunday, March 2, 2008

Wind Wind Go Away!

I will tell you what. Race season has started and I forgot how fun it is to hang with ALL the buddies again. We are all back in one spot on a regular basis now for racing and I am psyched about it. We love to laugh, pick on each other, tell new stories, tell old stories and hammer each other into the ground on bikes while we are at it.

A great group of people that I have missed over the winter and am looking forward to seeing a lot more of these next few months.

So last night after the race we all headed to Danny's but beforehand hit the local custard shop. None of us know what the difference between ice cream and custard is though. Here are the thoughts:

Blake, Bob and Ty

CUSTARD IS................
Blake: ice cream is whipped and a custard is not
Bob: No clue
Ty: Duh know?!
Me: It has to do with eggs
Chris: less sugar so lower calories
Kelli: Another duh know

And......we still don't know because none of us have taken the time to look er up.

Then it was off to Danny's where there were no Jello shots but some good beer. I drank my dang sparkling Talking Rain water though instead while Chris may have found someone to take him into the land of Heaps Canyon in Zion National Park which would be fantastic.

Moving on to today's adventures. Long ride. But first it started with a group breakfast OUTSIDE in 45 degree weather. Who in the sam hell said "yeah lets eat outside??!!" I think it is The Chads fault because we make everything Chads fault even when he's not with us like today. :)

Here is Ty and Sara wrapped up in cold weather gear while waiting for pile of hot and steamy flapjacks.

Then it was time to ride Bear Claw Poppy, Stucki, Barrel Roll, Race Course (like we didn't do enough of it yesterday right, but it is SO fun!!) and then back down the four fingers of death, Bear Claw Poppy to the car. Good solid 3 hour ride.

Blake, Kelli and Ty getting ready to fight the wind:

Chris doing the same:

Brad Newby, our tour guide (yet again) arrives:

Hanging out in the 20mph wind at the top of Stucki:

Ty on the Barrel Roll

The whole gang hanging for a moment.

Then it was hit I-15 home where I will be promptly hitting the couch for many days. I need it!

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