Thursday, November 19, 2009

Port St. Lucie, FL - Day 1

I am FINALLY going to slowly start updating my blog...

After dealing with the death of my father, burying both parents 12 days later, having a Catholic Service and then Celebrating their lives with a party I was reminded by my husband that we were supposed to be headed to Florida for fun in 4 days!

I hadn't even had a chance to THINK about that trip and practically forgot about it all together. It was going to be good to gather with some family for Thanksgiving because this was bound to be a difficult one, that was for sure.

So completely switching gears in the blink of an eye I packed for Florida and headed away for what was going to be a pretty long vacation. Oh did I mention that this vacation was going to include some cyclocross races too? Yep, took my bike!

We got to the Florida airport late Thursday night and it was a nice one with palm trees everywhere inside!

We were quickly reminded that we were in the land of gators and lizards! This little guy came with our rental car.

We got to bed around 3am and the next day which it technically already was we settled in and tried to figure out our plan of attack. Chris's whole purpose was to Kitesurf while in Florida. My purpose was to get some good training in because I was eyeing nationals in December in Bend and I hadn't really been training........just taking care of family business. So it was pretty important that I get on a bike daily especially since it was super nice out (70's) unlike at home!

Chris found some good Kitesurfing not too far from where we were staying and the only thing that I found for training was this road with no shoulder. When I say no shoulder I mean it! It was scary.

At least there was some reprieve of the road with some sidewalks here and there!

Next up, is a double race weekend in Orlando! That should be fun considering how much I haven't trained. Can you say ouchy?

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