Friday, May 9, 2008


Well I have certainly been MIA for a while. I guess that is what losing weight rapidly with a stomach flu will do for ya. Yeah. This week hasn't been the most pleasant of weeks you could say but it is working out of my system finally. That along with my sweet cast has made for one very unpleasant cyclist.

So here is what has happened since my post last Friday.

On Sunday, we took our buddies kid out for a final farewell breakfast in AZ before we drove to Santa Barbara that day.

We were so tired from driving from 800 miles (Santa Barbara, CA - Silver City, NM) for one day of racing (instead of FIVE-grrrr) so we took a few days and hung out in Fountain Hills, AZ with our friend on the way back through. It was a good move definitely.

Our buddy has a sweet view of the fountain from her house too. It was fun to see and hang out with her again for the um-teenth time this season as we keep needing to head through the Phoenix area for races.

Monday in Santa Barbara was the "see if the cast actually fits on MY bike" day since we molded the cast to Chris's bike in AZ. Seemed to be a pretty good guess in AZ too as it turns out. Not sure we could have done much better.

The thumb position is perfect!

I was able to train on my mtb just fine on the roads. 3500 feet of climbing right outside our buddies door. Wow! That was cool and fun and I was so happy just to be outside riding!

Up up up

and away!

Tiny CA roads in the high country:

Then, as I already mentioned it was a little of this and an extraordinary amount of this which is always the best times of your life especially while you are hanging in beautiful Santa Barbara.

I AM better now though and I do plan on getting the heck out of the house today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you tell I am excited about that?!

Can you say stir crazy!?

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