Today was awesome. We woke up in the Keys pretty beat down from a great evening with our new Florida buddies... who all rock by the way. Very serious athletes who are serious about having fun. They live and love life. So cool!! Wish they were closer because we'd be hanging with them all the time!
First today it was off to a brunch at this place that looked like a dive but on the inside was awesome. Still not sure how Chris got me to even walk in the place! Our table was over the Atlantic ocean. Unbelievable.
Then it was off to check on the wind of which there was none but Chris still suited up just in case it picked up. I headed off for my training ride in the sunny 75 degree weather and I had to do sprints. 1000M sprints to be exact. And, seriously how to do you gage that?
Weeeeelllllll......believe it or not I found a road that had a bike line which was painted with meter marks!! No stinkin way. How convenient! That made training super nice.
Afterwards Chris and I went to the Marina to chow on some fresh Mahi Mahi for a late lunch and then hit the road to head back to Miami for the night.
That was until we a passed a little sign for a Bird Refuge still on the Keys. I am IN!!! We pulled in and these guys were sitting on the main building which was a house actually.
There were small sidewalks that meandered through dense thicket of trees and there were birds just hanging out. Some were obviously very hurt and they were also VERY used to humans as most of them didn't move an inch.
Check out this free range vulture just hanging out
This bird was as big as my head and just sat there all stoic looking. I was kind of scared he might peck at my head when I walked by but he didn't!

This video was taken while walking through one of the sidewalks checking out all the birds. They had everything at this refuge from owls to pelicans. And being a bit of scardy cat, I swear that these pelicans were going to bite at my little toes sticking out of my flip flops! They have HUGE bills that almost reach the ground as they walk right in front of you.
After all this we started heading back to Miami for the second time and I decided that if I didn't see a stinking alligator while I was in Florida, that was going to be stupid!! So we found one to hold.
Our driver was awesome. Here we are doing 360's on the air boat in the Everglades. And, it is kinda loud so watch your volume level.
What a fantastic day!
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